This is exciting indeed! Welcome people šŸ˜

'Momminitdifferent' is a name that speaks for itself. I mom it different - becoming a mom some would say happened in an 'unconventional' way, others can be shocked and amazingly surprised by it. Those that know me acknowledge my bisexuality, some are reading this and may instantly assume IVF, you're wrong!

Here's a little background story:

What once was an innocent cheeky swimmer, then football finesse blossomed into a qualified sports lecturer in Further Education, a mom early-20's, living and raising my son Kasen independently mid-20s. 'Kasen', a cute, different unique name right? Check mine out, Janaya and it's so nice to meet you šŸ˜šŸ¤ŸšŸ¼.

Were the funniest, dramatic and 'different' kind of crazy little and big humans. Like mother, like son type of thing. We have the best times of banter and learning to achieve, then we have the worst times of tantrums and fighting sleep. It's been a real rollercoaster and not the Thorpe Park 'colossus' type. More along the lines of 'my battles, my wins' being the entire Alton Towers Resort - it's a fun idea until you're strapped in and going through the ride, but enjoy looking back on the experience once it's over.

My internal drive and motivation has and will always be there. My son just pushes it that little further to take action and understanding that 'fear is not an option'. Creating this space as ways of being creative, helping, inspiring and educating others. Building a community of likeminded people is what I live for.